M8 Problems Poll

M8 Problems Poll

  • NO, my M8 never needed service under warranty or change by my dealer.

    Votes: 207 68.8%
  • Yes, I had to send once my M8 to service or was changed once by my dealer.

    Votes: 51 16.9%
  • Yes, I had to send more than once my M8 to service or was changed more than once by my dealer.

    Votes: 43 14.3%

  • Total voters
I have had something like 6 m8's go through my hands, a few swapped out by the dealer at first, i have 2 that i try to have with me for all shoots. they have fixed certain problems, left others unfixed, i bought them as code U, but now i have spent more money on shipping back and forth these bodies than i saved. right now they've repaired my 2 m8's and both are showing dead pixels, freeze so i have to remove battery, and show banding. it's BS. I'm Pissed!
yaaahhh it sez that 30 % have had problems. WAAAYYY too high. Even half that would be way too high.

I wonder how it comapres to Nikon/Canon/etc

but 30% had to return the camera, thats is imo huge
c'mon guys, these figures are bad.....Even if you realize the ones with problems are the first ones to respond. I would have considered 10% already high.

And I already found out the hard way this is not a quality product
I don't believe this.

There used to be an advertising slogan in the UK that ran "8 out of 10 cats prefer Whiskas". This was deemed to be misleading advertising so had to be changed to "8 out of 10 cats who expressed a preference prefer Whiskas".

Or to put it another way, statistics "prove" that only sick people travel in ambulances, so if you don't travel in an ambulance you won't get sick.

This poll no more "proves" that 70% of M8s are trouble free than it "proves" that 30% have had difficulties. What it does prove is that there are an awful lot of gullible people out there who will believe any old drivel they are told just because it is on the internet. Base a buying decision on this nonsense and you must be in need of medical assistance.

Does anybody really, truly believe that this is a representative and reliable sample?

Good grief on a stick.


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Yes Bill,
The whole world consists of a large bunch of lies, hold together by a bundle of mud for throwing purposes :D

You know what they say: there are lies, damn lies and statistics. We just thought of a methode for balancing some income vs costs in such a way it will increase the profit percentage, rather then descrease it...it are still the same numbers, correctly represented, just interpretted in a different way. Just for the point...

Now if you would hold the same poll on the web for a Nikon D300....what results would you get??? Remember you will always get the idiots voting positive or negative without knowing what they are talking about, just for the vote or to bring a product in discredit or because have wet dreams of owning one . You will have the same idiots for the D700, 5DmII, D60, 450D, etc etc etc. For a Nikon you will get the Canon addits voting negative and the Nikonians wo send there camera in for repair 3 times stating it is a perfect machine...and vice versa.

So in the end the figures are, fraudulant as they are, comparable :eek::D

taking it all thogether, I still think 30% is way. way up...
come to think of it....

there was the economist some years ago who argued a similar way. Stop checking the books of companies and let them fraudate as much as they can. As in that case everybody will do so, the figures are perfectly usable again...

Now who was this guy...anyone remember by chance

(btw I'm not into accounting or other similar hororjob :D)
Yes Bill,
The whole world consists of a large bunch of lies, hold together by a bundle of mud for throwing purposes :D

You know what they say: there are lies, damn lies and statistics. We just thought of a methode for balancing some income vs costs in such a way it will increase the profit percentage, rather then descrease it...it are still the same numbers, correctly represented, just interpretted in a different way. Just for the point...

Now if you would hold the same poll on the web for a Nikon D300....what results would you get??? Remember you will always get the idiots voting positive or negative without knowing what they are talking about, just for the vote or to bring a product in discredit or because have wet dreams of owning one . You will have the same idiots for the D700, 5DmII, D60, 450D, etc etc etc. For a Nikon you will get the Canon addits voting negative and the Nikonians wo send there camera in for repair 3 times stating it is a perfect machine...and vice versa.

So in the end the figures are, fraudulant as they are, comparable :eek::D

taking it all thogether, I still think 30% is way. way up...

Reinier, you miss the point.

The figures are completely meaningless. This is a voluntary, self-selecting, unmoderated poll, in an unrepresentative part of the internet. It is worse than useless and drawing any conclusion whatsoever from it is nonsense. It reminds me of the 1970s when the Tory party thought they would win the election because their telephone polls told them so. They did not account for the fact that Tory voters tended to be better off than Labour voters and more inclined to have a telephone at home.

Internet fora are not representative of the views or experiences of the world at large. This site alone claims to have - what - more than 25000 registered members and a whopping 131 have voted in this poll. Satisfied customers tend not to make a big fuss about their satisfaction, but dissatisfied customers do. Funny that.

It's meaningless. Accept it in good grace and move on. Enjoy your new M8 and don't let your experience be tainted by bitterness.


Bill, when living in England as you do you must be able to understand the cynical humor I put in...

Don't take things too seriously, I certainly don't

And BTW I'm seldom bitter...Pissed of I'm certainly every now and then, and with current attitude of major companies in general towards their customers (I also had a big argument with Nikon on the battery clips in the DB200 which were known to be faulty in the first batches, but they failed to admit that officially) that happens with some regularity.

But I keep a frim grip on reallity, at least the reallity as I see it
30% of accidents are caused by drunk drivers sooo..... the majority of accidents, 70%, are caused by sober drivers

Clearly its irresponsible to drive without having had a drink………….I love statistics, 80% are made up on the spot you know
A bit of frustration. I just shipped my M8 back to Leica because of fluorescing pixels showing up in a consistent pattern in my images as red, blue, and green dots through out the lower half of the horizontal frame.
The original text is a lot more careful than the Google translation. It does not say " there will be a..." but "there is supposed to be.." which sounds a considerably different. Nor does it say " Thus far....innovations" That translates better as: " As far as known up till now the developers are fiddling primarily with three innovations. On one hand there is supposed to be an M9 rangefindercamera with full-frame sensor. That makes for maximum image quality. Further they are working on a R10 DSLR with an extra large chip and autofocus, a complicated development, especially the shutter and the lenses. And finally there is the possiblity that some kind of " small" digital M should come on the market." .

Seems like they did this in some ways... R10 became S2, M9 is M9, small M became X1.
I don't believe this.

There used to be an advertising slogan in the UK that ran "8 out of 10 cats prefer Whiskas". This was deemed to be misleading advertising so had to be changed to "8 out of 10 cats who expressed a preference prefer Whiskas".

Or to put it another way, statistics "prove" that only sick people travel in ambulances, so if you don't travel in an ambulance you won't get sick.

This poll no more "proves" that 70% of M8s are trouble free than it "proves" that 30% have had difficulties. What it does prove is that there are an awful lot of gullible people out there who will believe any old drivel they are told just because it is on the internet. Base a buying decision on this nonsense and you must be in need of medical assistance.

Does anybody really, truly believe that this is a representative and reliable sample?

Good grief on a stick.


I didn't say it was a representative sample, or that I agreed with the mechanism of the poll, all I was implying was that 70% is a number on the positive side. The M8 has been a learning curve for leica, at the customers expense. I own an M9 also, which, although a great improvement over the M8, is still not perfect, reliability wise.
Bad result actually, more than 30% with problems (my M8 was repaired once by warranty), for pro grade tool is unacceptable.
Bad result actually, more than 30% with problems (my M8 was repaired once by warranty), for pro grade tool is unacceptable.

Welcome to Small Sample Size Theatre. And, if there's something I have noticed about many folks here, is that they seem to like sending cameras in for repair, CLA, what-have-you. You're dealing with a significant case of selection bias, with where this poll was posted.
This may not be a 100% reliable statistical survey, but it does give some indications of the M8's problems. in fact I would imagine that the robust support of those who love their M8's would negate the tendency for people to voice their complaints more than their praise, and is probably reasonably accurate. I was interested to see the results as having bought and sold an M8 [didn't like the colours], I've recently thought about buying one again, largely due to my lab's patchy C41 process of late. I think as they're developing film less often, it affects the machines consistency. Whatever the cause, my labs scans have been poor of late, and for commercial jobs I don't have time for developing and scanning my own. So the next thought is there's no point in having four m lenses sitting in a cupboard, what about an M8? Even if the results of the poll are inaccurate it still seems a risky proposition now they'll mostly be out of warranty. So I wonder, looking at a worse case scenario, what is the largest repair bill you could be hit with from Solms, assuming a camera developed a single problem, say having to have the sensor replaced. Any ideas anyone?
I put a battery in my M8 and it wouldn't start. After some intertoobes flaming, I realized I hadn't recharged the battery, but I didn't follow-up to say it was my fault.

:: ducks ::
oh to hell with it, im interested as a prospective buyer in seeing some things other then "oh my f'ing m8 has so many problems" this or that, bring on the poll, there are enough trolls around anyway.

I agree too.
.. and I had bought a M8 on excellent conditions and with in few hours of buying and when i was at home the camera's shutter got jammed and had to send to Solms to repair. When it came back after one year and two months The shutter broked in to pieces again. So it was dead and i had to pay
£800. to upgrade it into slower speedy new shutter . It works fine now and more precisely better than the old M8. So this is my experience and I am not trying to defend Leica exaggerate some thing this can help some one to avoid being frustrated facing something like this situation.
I am new to the M8. So far so good, other than a damaged battery charger. I spent $35 on a repacement charger by Annsman.