Illinois Spring Meet-up?


Jan as in "Jan and Dean"
Local time
12:59 PM
Mar 1, 2009
Anyone in for a Spring meet-up? It's been awhile, and I thought that it would be nice to talk about photography and such, especially as the Weather gods have been so kind to us this year ( so far... ).

I'm in, and sorry for missing the previous destination at Lincoln Square (family event intervened).
Well, let's see who else responds and then we can finalize a date. Meeting in Lincoln Square is always fine with me.
How's Saturday, March 31st sound? We could meet in Lincoln Square, or somewhere else in the Northside ( or even downtown ). It does appear that most people live on the Northside or in the Northern 'burbs, though. We can finalize the location soon.

OK, we can hold the meet-up at either Sel-Marie, a bar ( Brauhaus ) or one of the many coffee shops. I think that Sel-Marie would be one of the better picks, unless everyone wants to have a libation or two, in which case the Brauhaus would probably be better. Although, keep in mind that Sel-Marie does serve alcohol.

We could do late morning or early afternoon. Let me know your thoughts, and then we can establish the time and place.

I favor Sel-Marie: early afternoon to avoid the lunch-hour crush. Knowing you guys, we'll need our choice of large tables to unload gear. :)