In the last few weeks I thought a lot about my photography. All that changing of cameras, lenses and films, the change between digital and film, all that gives many technical opportunities, but is often frustrating. I´m a person that is mostly afraid to have the wrong gear with me.
So on August, the 14th I closed my camera cabinet and gave myself the advice to use my Rollei 35 exclusively for one year. (For the case the Rollei should break I plan to carry a backup camera, but as long as the Rollei works the backup will not be used)
I am planning to shoot only Polypan F at 50 ASA, stand developed in APH09.
For posting the pictures of this year I created a new blog:
Lets see where this journey will bring me!
So on August, the 14th I closed my camera cabinet and gave myself the advice to use my Rollei 35 exclusively for one year. (For the case the Rollei should break I plan to carry a backup camera, but as long as the Rollei works the backup will not be used)
I am planning to shoot only Polypan F at 50 ASA, stand developed in APH09.
For posting the pictures of this year I created a new blog:
Lets see where this journey will bring me!
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You want to shoot all the year with a scale focus camera, and a 50 ISO film ? Either you plan to use heavy tripod, or you live on the moon.
I really like your work, Zeno. Good shooting with the Rollei !
Antti Sivén
I've bookmarked your blog. You're one of my favorites here on RFF!
... likes film again.
I am also looking forward seeing your photos of this project ! I still have some rolls of this film in the freezer, hopefully I get some inspiration ! 
Leica All Day
I used my rollie 35 as my only camera for about 3 years.....I took the thing on a one year backpacking trip across Europe.....I never even thought about bringing a back-up....(I didn't have one).......Should be fun to see the work that you produce in the next year....I salute you....
Dublin, Ireland.....
cheers, michael

Dublin, Ireland.....
cheers, michael

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Great photographs on your Blog. I have liked your work every since I joined RFF. I am sure you will do a great job with this. - Jim
You've picked a great camera to do this with. I've had my Rollei 35 since the early '80's and it has never let me down. Mostly I used it for slides and the meter was always accurate enough. It was only recently that I moved into Leicaland but return periodically to the compactness and simplicity of the Rollei. I like the sharpness and contrast of your B&W photos - I must try slower film and put more effort into scanning. Thanks for sharing your work.
Go get 'em, Zeno. You are already putting up some fine gallery shots with your tiny kit ...
Doing well, keep it up.
Keep us updated as you go... The R35 is a gem of a camera.
Jamie Pillers
Splendid! Like Rogrund, I've also bookmarked your Rollei site.
Whenever I think of doing this, I imagine that it'll feel like going on vacation -- getting rid of a whole big bunch of stress (by taking the gear decisions out of the process).
Whenever I think of doing this, I imagine that it'll feel like going on vacation -- getting rid of a whole big bunch of stress (by taking the gear decisions out of the process).
Enjoy Life.
I really like the blog, very nice. The one camera choice will be kind of liberating I imagine, though I really enjoy switching cameras on occasion, keeps me fresh and thinking.
That little camera is going to be an extension of your brain by the time you're done, enjoy!
That little camera is going to be an extension of your brain by the time you're done, enjoy!
carpe diem
A Rollei 35 S was my one and only 35mm camera for nearly 10 years in the 1980's. When I lost my mind and went 100% digital a few years back, the ONLY film camera I didn't sell was the Rollei.
Good luck Zeno. A very cool project.
Good luck Zeno. A very cool project.
I bookmarked your blog. I'm a fan of Rollei 35 and I like your photos, so this is going to be enjoyable!
I feel your pain. Going through loads of cameras and lenses I find myself very comfortable with 40/2.8 lens, with scale focus (Yashica Electro 35 MC).
I just would exercise shutters and controls of idle cameras - year is along time. That also involves some risk of loading one...
I just would exercise shutters and controls of idle cameras - year is along time. That also involves some risk of loading one...
Juan Valdenebro
Truth is beauty
A camera is not a limit, but ISO50 for anywhere anytime anylight? A whole year? Are you sure it isn't a thing called masoquism?
Don't take me seriously, I just shoot too much 3200 and 400 under direct sun...
Ronald M
nice work. I will be watching the blog for additions.
We are all to gear oriented and think we need every lens. The young digidal people are worse thinking they need every single focal in a zoom lens collection.
We are all to gear oriented and think we need every lens. The young digidal people are worse thinking they need every single focal in a zoom lens collection.
Some nice shots already! I am slowly coming to similar decision.. Your choice of camera seems wise to me - it is an utterly simple tool..
Thank you all for your encouraging words!
I choose the Rollei 35 because it is sexy, works without battery, small, silent and a high quality tool. Many of my cameras have some of these features, but no other has everyone. And be sure, sexy was not the least important feature for me!
I choose the Polypan F because I have the experience of more than 400 rolls with this film and it is dirt cheap!
I have exposure/developing tests up to 800 ASA with this film, but the best negatives for my vision are the 50 ASA/stand developed ones.
The fact that the film has only 50 ASA and the lens only 3,5 - well, it has been done before; the first Leica shooters had the same or worse conditions to deal with. In fact, this was another reason to choose this combination.
(In 2005/2006 I shot pinhole for nearly one year, I´m quite sure to find ways to stabilize the camera without a tripod.)
I choose the Rollei 35 because it is sexy, works without battery, small, silent and a high quality tool. Many of my cameras have some of these features, but no other has everyone. And be sure, sexy was not the least important feature for me!
I choose the Polypan F because I have the experience of more than 400 rolls with this film and it is dirt cheap!
I have exposure/developing tests up to 800 ASA with this film, but the best negatives for my vision are the 50 ASA/stand developed ones.
The fact that the film has only 50 ASA and the lens only 3,5 - well, it has been done before; the first Leica shooters had the same or worse conditions to deal with. In fact, this was another reason to choose this combination.
(In 2005/2006 I shot pinhole for nearly one year, I´m quite sure to find ways to stabilize the camera without a tripod.)
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