Minolta SRT's -- Gotta Love 'Em.

New Copy Setup in Studio by Nokton48, on Flickr

I've been copying RC Silver prints in my Enlarging Room, with ambient LED lighting. I have decided to move my Minolta Copy Stand into the studio area, and leave it set up on a permanent basis. From Harbor Freight a rolling cart (I have several), with an Apple Box Riser on the top shelf, makes a strong base with wheels for the copy stand. Easy to move around as I please. Recently donated to me, a pair of Broncolor Impact 300J Impacts, with well used strobe tubes working perfectly, and a nice matched pair. Standard Impact Reflector, attached 3M Polarizing Filters on both lights. Camera for 35mm film is a Minolta SRT-101 with SRT Diopter Eyepiece Correction, SRT Cable Release, 50mm F3.5 MC Macro Rokkor, and 55mm Minolta Hooded Polarizing Filter. All filters set for maximum polarization, lighting balanced to 1/3 fstop with Broncolor Incident Strobe Meter. With Ilford PanF+ rated at EI 25, I'm at F16 without polariizer exposure correction, so I did a bracketed series at 1/2 stops to establish a good baseline. This is a pretty good setup I'm intending to leave up all the time, and it's easily movable.

I also intend to use the setup for copying flat art and I have a Skier Box for digitizing negatives with the same setup. This will evolve.
Minolta SRT is a reliable, simple camera. I picked up few from trash can, CLA is relative easy to perform and both 58mm f1.2 and f1.4 have pleasure bokeh