Minolta Rokkor M 40/2 Your experience

I like this lens and have used it mainly with the CLE, my first RF camera. A minor negative is the 40.5 filter size which finds use only with this lens in my arsenal.
I like using this lens, and at one time I compared images from the Summicron-C 40/2 with images from the Pentax-L 41mm/1.8. My eyes saw the results as being similar with Fujicolor Reala 100 film.
I'm of the strong opinion that the optical formula did in fact change between the two Minolta versions - the exit pupils appear to be slightly different sizes when viewing at arm's length.
Sorry 'bout the multiple replies - was having some strange behavior on this end. Is it possible to delete these duplicates?

Also, Bingley - what iso and developer did you use for those shots?
Sorry 'bout the multiple replies - was having some strange behavior on this end. Is it possible to delete these duplicates?

Also, Bingley - what iso and developer did you use for those shots?
For the black and white photos, I exposed the film at iso 200, which is my usual practice w/ TMax 400. I developed these particular photos in Ilfotec DDX 1+4, although my usual developer for TMax 400 is Perceptol 1+2 (when the film is exposed at iso 200). Both developers are very good with this particular film.