I like this lens and have used it mainly with the CLE, my first RF camera. A minor negative is the 40.5 filter size which finds use only with this lens in my arsenal.
FSU gear head
Sonnars and Jupiters use 40.5 filters too.I like this lens and have used it mainly with the CLE, my first RF camera. A minor negative is the 40.5 filter size which finds use only with this lens in my arsenal.
I do not own any of them, but others may find the 40.5 filters useful for these lenses in addition to the Minolta Rokkor 40/f2.Sonnars and Jupiters use 40.5 filters too.
Dad Photographer
I like using this lens, and at one time I compared images from the Summicron-C 40/2 with images from the Pentax-L 41mm/1.8. My eyes saw the results as being similar with Fujicolor Reala 100 film.
Man - really excellent shooting!Some more photos made with the Minolta M-Rokkor 40mm f2.0 CLE. Leica M6, TMax 400:
Guest quarters by Steve Macfarlane, on Flickr
Hiding in the trees by Steve Macfarlane, on Flickr
Regarding clouds by Steve Macfarlane, on Flickr
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I'm of the strong opinion that the optical formula did in fact change between the two Minolta versions - the exit pupils appear to be slightly different sizes when viewing at arm's length.
Thank you!!Man - really excellent shooting!
Sorry 'bout the multiple replies - was having some strange behavior on this end. Is it possible to delete these duplicates?
Also, Bingley - what iso and developer did you use for those shots?
Also, Bingley - what iso and developer did you use for those shots?
For the black and white photos, I exposed the film at iso 200, which is my usual practice w/ TMax 400. I developed these particular photos in Ilfotec DDX 1+4, although my usual developer for TMax 400 is Perceptol 1+2 (when the film is exposed at iso 200). Both developers are very good with this particular film.Sorry 'bout the multiple replies - was having some strange behavior on this end. Is it possible to delete these duplicates?
Also, Bingley - what iso and developer did you use for those shots?
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