M42 SLRs camera list


Local time
12:21 AM
Nov 1, 2005
A list of SLRs with M42 mounts can be found at this link. There are several lists on the web, but this seems to me to be the most comprehensive. The list is in dual language (Italian and English) with some more information in the Italian language. Something seems to be missing in the list, and probabily some information are incorrect (I have some doubt about production years) but the production of M42 SLRs has been truly remarkable, numerous cameras available under different brands

Interesting list. Am I right in the vague notion that I have that pentax M42 and Praktica M42 are slightly different?
No - the basic M42 mount is the same for all cameras, except those which follow Edixa (like early Yashica SLRs). In Edixas, the start position of the thread is rotated, which means that the stopdown pusher plate in the camera may not contact the pin in the lens.
The aperture plunger in the Edixa also has less travel. I'm not sure why, but perhaps this ensured Edixa buyers had to use automatic lenses made in Western Germany. I went through and tested all my M42 lenses on an Edixa a while ago, and found that most (from Japan or East Germany) wouldn't stop down, with the exception of the lowly Domiplan lens.