Leica CL digital?

I've been shooting with the Leica CL (digital) since Summer 2018, using my Leica M and R mount lenses on it via the Leica M Adapter L and R Adapter M. These two adapters (stacked for the R lenses) give you the best UI for focus magnification and access to Leica's provided lens profiles for all of the Leica lenses, even for non-coded Leica lenses.

The CL camera body is a near ideal mix of size, weight, good ergonomics, easy to learn and remember controls, and the Leica lens profiles allow their lenses to work on this body (and other Leica bodies) far better than they do on any other body you might adapt them to.

I bought the CL when I still had my Leica M-D typ 262 and M-P typ 240, because I wanted/needed a TTL viewing/focusing body to replace the SL that I'd sold. Within six months, I sold both of the M bodies ... Yes, the CL works that well. It's more versatile, lighter weight, and the image quality out of its 24 Mpixel APS-C format sensor is pretty much as good as even the latest M10 aside from the maximum ISO settings past 6400 where the larger sensor in the M10 has a noise advantage.

For me, it's the ideal Leica camera at this time for my use. The dedicated TL and SL lens lines provide AF and such, if that's desired, as well as state of the art performance quality beyond the already excellent performance of classic Leica M and R lenses.


From a CL newcomer (still interested, not quite ready to buy yet) here.

Thank you for giving me ideas! An L and L > M adapter would let me use the old legendary Leitz 90 and 135 M lenses on a CL. As it happens I can pick these up for fairly good prices, obviously used, in Australia. Good one!!

Now if I can figure out a way to adapt my LTM lenses - 50/3.5 Elmar, collapsible 50/2.0 Summicron, 50/1.5 Summarit, on a CL, I will be as close to heaven on this planet as I can possibly get.
Now if I can figure out a way to adapt my LTM lenses - 50/3.5 Elmar, collapsible 50/2.0 Summicron, 50/1.5 Summarit, on a CL, I will be as close to heaven on this planet as I can possibly get.
LTM to M adapter, then M to Leica L. Remember the field of view of these lenses will be cropped to 1.5x normal. So your Elmar will be more like a 75mm field of view. That is due to the APS-C sensor size.
If (as I think someone here posted) they are being sold readily in the UK, the Brits must be desperate for money.

In Australia one turns up every few months in the Melbourne shops. And usually is sold quickly. Aussies know a good thing...

In Singapore and Malaysia, not one CL to be found in any of the shops. Brunei (where I visit occasionally) now has only one or two camera stores, which I rarely go to as they no longer sell film or do processing and the stock and the prices on offer make me feel depressed.

Ebay in Australia is an online Reject Shop - little of any reasonable quality on offer. But then last week I snagged a Leitz table top tripod for AUD $79, still in its original box but without the mini ball head (I already have one). A true bargain. One of the last of, I reckon!

I'm still on the hunt for that elusive CL. One will come my way if I think positively, but just now I'm not in Australia. So a little long-distant mind-messaging is going on...