Kodachrome: Gone Forever, Or……? What would it take to bring it back? You don’t want to know!

Kodachrome: Gone Forever, Or……?
What would it take to bring it back? You don’t want to know!

By Jason Schneider

It’s now been 15 years since Kodak stopped making Kodachrome color transparency film in 2009, and nearly 90 years since Kodak first introduced it to the market in 1935, but it’s still regarded by millions of photo enthusiasts and professionals as the finest color film ever made. Invented by two friends, Leopold Mannes and Leopold Godowsky, both talented musicians with a passion for science and photography, the manufacture and processing of Kodachrome is probably the most complex system of color photography ever invented. The fact that it was literally cooked up (at least in protype form) by two scientists in a home kitchen converted into an impromptu lab is nothing short of astonishing.

Mannes and Godowsky, inventors of Kodachrome, in their lab.jpg
Leopold Mannes (left) and Leopold Godowsky, inventors of Kodachrome, in their lab, date unknown.

Kodachrome inventors Leopold Godowsky (left) accompanied by Leopold Mannes on the piano.jpg
Kodachrome inventors Leopold Godowsky (left) accompanied by Leopold Mannes on the piano. Date unknown.

When Kodak announced it was discontinuing Kodachrome in 2009 it created quite a stir, and there were howls of disappointment from diehard Kodachrome fans. But the final nail in the coffin (and the loudest, most widespread expressions of outrage) occurred in 2010, when the last Kodachrome lab, Dwayne’s of Parsons, Kansas, announced that the last Kodachrome processing machine would be shut down and sold for scrap. In its last weeks of operation, Dwayne’s received thousands of overnight packages. One railroad worker drove from Arkansas to pick up 1,580 rolls, mostly pictures of trains, that he’d paid $15,798 to develop, and an artist based in London, England flew to Wichita KS to turn in 3 rolls of Kodachrome and shoot 5 more before the processing deadline. Dwayne’s Photo soldiered on as long as it could—its staff had been cut from 200 to 60 in its last decade of operation. But in the end, they had no choice because Kodak had stopped producing the chemicals needed to process Kodachrome, and in its the last week of operation the lab opened the last cannister of cyan dye. Dwayne’s owner, Dwayne Steinle, had the honor of shooting the last roll of Kodachrome to be processed. It included a picture of all the remaining employees standing in front of Dwayne’s wearing shirts emblazoned with the heartfelt epitaph, “The best slide and movie film in history is now officially retired. Kodachrome: 1935-2010.”

Dwayne's Photo commemorative Kodachrome tee shirt of 2010.jpg
Dwayne's Photo wistful commemorative Kodachrome tee shirt of 2010. It's still available online!

In response to the brouhaha over the official announcement of the termination of Kodachrome in 2009, some marketing mavens at Kodak decided to conduct an informal survey of Kodachrome users. They concluded that nearly 100% of the target group said they loved the film and praised it effusively. But when asked “When was the last time you shot Kodachrome?” an alarming percentage admitted it that it had been “a while” or even “a few years” since they had done so. Their conclusion: while having a beloved, iconic product is a great thing in itself, if it doesn’t sell in sufficient quantities, it’s hard to justify keeping it in the line, particularly when manufacturing and processing it are both labor- and capital-intensive undertakings that divert resources from other potentially more lucrative projects.

But Kodachrome is more than just a film—it’s an American cultural icon, celebrated in song, myriad incredible images, and even has a state park named after it! That’s why the re-release of Kodachrome is a dream that never dies. It has captured the imagination of countless photographers of all stripes, even those who’ve never shot a single frame of Kodachrome or experienced viewing a a projected, perfectly exposed Kodachrome slide in all its stunning beauty.

Kodachrome is the only film to have a state park (in Cannonville UT) named in its honor. It ha...jpg
Kodachrome is the only film to have a state park (in Cannonville UT), a hit song, and a movie named in its honor. It has become a cultural icon.

Kodachrome was initially released in 1935 as a 16mm motion picture film in this colorful box.jpg
Kodachrome was initially released in 1935 as a 16mm motion picture film in this colorful box.

45 RPM disc of %22Kodachrome> by Paul Simon c.1973.jpg
45 RPM disc of "Kodachrome" by Paul Simon c.1973. "Those nice bright colors...the world's a sunny day..."

What’s so great (and not) about Kodachrome?

Kodachrome has a uniquely rich color palette, with the warmish color balance many prefer, and has an elevated level of color saturation, capturing a kind “hyper reality” that presents things “just a little better than they really are.” Consisting of a stack of low ISO emulsions, it’s capable of rendering extremely sharp, detailed images that seem to stand out in bold relief. And when stored properly in the dark, at cool temperatures and low humidity, Kodachrome images are archivally stable, possibly lasting 100 years or more without noticeable fading.

Like all great things Kodachrome has its downsides. To begin with t’s slow. The first “perfected” Kodachrome iterations of the late ‘30s through the ‘50s were ISO 10 (daylight). The very best Kodachrome in terms of overall performance was Kodachrome 25 (ISO 25), and the fastest “good” Kodachrome was Kodachrome 64 (ISO 64). Most Kodachrome aficionados (including yours truly) are not big fans of Kodachrome 200, which is noticeably grainier and has less brilliance and lower color saturation. Kodachrome has far less exposure latitude than most other films, including other color slide films, which generally have less exposure latitude than color print films. With Kodachrome the exposure must be within 1/3 of a stop of the “optimum” exposure to avoid blown out highlights or murky shadows, and some say it tends to “go blue” in the shadows. Finally, Kodachrome images are prone to fading when projected often or stored in places that are hot, or where daylight can reach them. Contrary to popular belief, Kodachrome is more susceptible to color fading than Ektachrome 100 or Fujichrome (Velvia or Provia) when it’s not placed in dark storage.

Original 1935 Kodachrome fiilm box, cartridge, cannister, and mailer.jpg
Original 1935 Kodachrome fiilm box, cartridge, canister, and Kodak mailer that cost 1-1/2 cents to mail in!

Kodachrome 64 120 roll film of c.1990.jpg
Kodachrome 64 120 roll film of c.1990. It was challenging to process. Too bad they never made Kodachrome 25 in 120 rolls.

Because of its proven ability to “take great pictures” with a unique look that combines vivid color and exquisite image quality, a coterie of analog enthusiasts has continued, albeit without success, to plead with Kodak to bring back their beloved Kodachrome. That mini movement gained some traction in 2017 when it was widely reported that Kodak’s then chief marketing officer Steven Overman stated in “The Kodakery” podcast, “we are investigating what it would take to bring back Kodachrome, but it would be a lot easier and faster to bring back Ektachrome.” We now know that Kodak had no intention of reviving Kodachrome at that time, but merely mentioning the possibility put the rumor mill into high gear.

1934 Kodak Retina 117 with c.1940 Kodacrome cartridge and can.jpg
1934 Kodak Retina Model 117 with c.1940 Kodachrome cartridge and canister--a formidable combo in its day.

What was left unsaid is that the challenge of reviving Kodachrome lies in the extreme complexity of the entire process. Redesigning and manufacturing a novel 6-layer film was the “easy” part. The re-creation of an entire ecosystem for a new Kodachrome that used new EPA-approved dyes, and creating new labs to process the film and produce mounted slides and prints to the consumer was beyond the capabilities of a diminished Eastman Kodak Co. The company no longer had enough engineers, scientists, and production managers (not to mention the film production capacity) to tackle such an ambitious project.

Indeed, what happened was that in 2017 Kodak embarked on a project to manufacture a limited run of a new Ektachrome to test the waters. The company soon discovered that it no longer had enough scientists and engineers needed to complete the project and had to lure some former Kodak employees out of retirement. Due to this and other snags the project took about 3 times as long to execute as had been anticipated, and though the entire run of Ektachrome was eventually sold, in the end the project lost money. While Ektachrome 100 Professional was eventually brought forth as a successful film that remains in current production, the money losing 2017 Ektachrome project remains a cautionary tale for anyone at Kodak thinking of reviving Kodachrome, a far more complex, expensive, technically challenging, and risky undertaking.

The Kodachrome Process of color photography, schematic. It's complicated! .gif.gif
The Kodachrome Process of color photography, schematic. Yes, it's really complicated!

Just how complex is Kodachrome? Here’s an edited version of the K-14 process used to process the last Kodachrome from Wikipedia.

K-14 was the most recent version of the developing process for Kodachrome transparency film before it was discontinued (the last revision having been designated Process K-14M). It superseded previous versions of the Kodachrome process used with older films (such as K-12 for Kodachrome II and Kodachrome-X).

Backing removal

An alkaline bath softens the cellulose acetate phthalate binder. A spray wash and buffer removes the rem-jet anti-halation backing.

First developer

All exposed sliver halide crystals are developed to metallic silver via a PQ (phenidone/hydroquinone) developer. The yellow filter layer becomes opaque because it has a combination of Lippmann emulsion (very tiny grains) and Carey Lea silver (metallic silver particles that are small enough that they are yellow rather than gray.)


Stops development and removes the PQ developer.

Red light re-exposure through the base

This makes the remaining undeveloped silver halide in the cyan layer developable.

Cyan developer

The solution contains a color developer and a cyan coupler. These are colorless in solution. After the color developer develops the silver, the oxidized developer reacts with the cyan coupler to form cyan dye. The dye is much less soluble than either the developer or the coupler, so it stays in the blue-red sensitive layer of the film.

Blue light re-exposure from the top

This makes the remaining undeveloped silver halide grains in the blue sensitive layer (the yellow layer) developable. The now opaque yellow filter layers prevent the blue light from exposing the magenta layer (the green sensitive layer, which is also sensitive to blue light). It’s vital to avoid stray printing light exposing the film base of film.

Yellow developer
Its action is analogous to the cyan developer.

Magenta developer
This contains a chemical fogging agent that makes all the remaining undeveloped silver halide developable. If everything has worked correctly, nearly all this silver halide is in the magenta layers. The developer and magenta coupler work just like the cyan and yellow developers to produce magenta dye that is insoluble and stays in the film.

As above.

Prepares the metallic silver for the bleach step.

Oxidizes the metallic silver to silver halide. The bleach (ferric EDTA) must be aerated. The former ferricyanide bleach did not require aeration and did not require a conditioner.

Converts the silver halide to soluble silver compounds which are then dissolved and washed from the film.

Contains a wetting agent to reduce water spots.


The result of this 17-step (!) process is 3 different color records each with the appropriate dye, just like other color films. The original Kodachrome process in 1935 used dye bleaches and was far more complex; the dyes themselves were unstable and faded at high temperature. Although the formulas have changed over the years, the basic process steps have followed a similar pattern since the introduction of stable "selective re-exposure" Kodachrome in 1938.

Late examples of Kodachreome 25, 64 and 200 35mm packaging.jpg
Late examples of 35mm packaging of Kodachrome 25, 64 and 200.

What would it take create a new Kodachrome up to EPA standards?

A group of topnotch scientists, technicians, and production engineers would have to reconfigure the film, eliminating any toxic dyes or other chemicals, and developing suitable non-toxic dyes with very high stability.

The group would have to design and build facilities to manufacture the film, and set up at least a few labs capable of receiving, processing, mounting, and shipping the film back to customers.

A separate group devoted to promotion and marketing the film would have to be created.
All the people (perhaps a few dozen) assigned to the Kodachrome project would have to be hired and paid, a challenging undertaking, particularly when it comes finding trained scientists with experience in emulsion technology and relocating at least some of them to Rochester, NY.

At a conservative estimate, initializing such a project would cost $10-20M and take 2-3 years before the first rolls of New Kodachrome would reach the production line.

At present, Kodak has only one production line devoted to making film (down from 10 in the mid ‘60s), and due to the recent resurgence in film sales (reportedly up over 40% in the last few years alone) that line now running 24 hours a day. Adding Kodachrome to the mix would therefore require a huge and potentially risky investment in a second film line, or a cooperative arrangement with another film manufacturer such as Fuji or Ilford.

Is creating a New Kodachrome technically feasible? Absolutely, but it would require a well-heeled partner, a devoted billionaire, or both!

The Kodachrome process is well understood and it’s an accessible part of Kodak’s legacy dating back to the recent past. There would surely be technical and operational hurdles to overcome, but basically all it would take is time, effort, and lots of money. If a multi-billionaire like Elon Musk or Bill Gates wanted to throw a paltry $100M at the project to burnish his image and offer the great gift of Kodachrome to the world, the project could (with the assumed cooperation of Kodak) commence tomorrow.

Fuji has worked with Kodak in the past, and according to unsubstantiated rumors they still tacitly collaborate on film manufacture. However, it’s doubtful that Fujifilm would want to collaborate on a project to recreate Kodak’s signature film which would have the potential of cutting into the sales of Fuji’s Velvia and Provia slide films (which use Kodak’s E-6 process!)

And a new Kodachrome would undoubtedly impact the sales of Kodak’s very successful Ekrachrome E100 professional films that are now available in 35mm, 120 rolls, 16mm, 4x5, and 8 x10 sizes. For the record, Ektachrome E100 Professional is said to be the closest alternative to Kodachrome in terms of color palette, color rendition, and overall image quality currently on the market.

Economics: What would a roll of New Kodachrome have to sell for in order to turn a profit, and would anyone buy it at that price?
Most people are under the impression that film prices have soared since the good old days, and they’ve certainly increased by about 20-25% in dollars over the last 5 years. However, when they’re calculated in terms of constant dollars, taking inflation into account, the price of film has in fact gone down consistently. To put it in perspective a 35mm 36-exposure roll of Kodak Tri-X cost $1.15 in 1956 (equal to about $11.60 today) and the current price ranges from $9.09 to $9.95. In 1935 an 18-exposure roll of Kodachrome, which included a Kodak processing mailer, was $3.50, the equivalent in current purchasing power of a staggering $80.36!

Assuming Kodak could and would foot the entire bill of $10-20M for creating, processing, and marketing a new Kodachrome, how much would they have to charge for a roll of 35mm, 36-expoure Kodachrome to turn a profit, and would people be willing to pay it?

Right now, a 35mm 36-exposure roll of Ektachrome E 100 Professional goes for $21.99, and an equivalent roll of Fujichrome Velvia 50 runs $29.95. The closest equivalents in “self-processing” “Polaroid instant picture film would be a 40-exposure 5-pack of Color i-Type Instant Film at $62.91 or a 40-exposure 5-pack of Polaroid Color 600 for $73.95, the latter working out to $1.85 per picture. If potential New Kodachrome shooters would be willing to pay $1.85 per shot to acquire a 35mm 36-exposure roll of New Kodachrome, that would come to $66.56 per roll! That would be a stretch, but still well within the realm of possibility.

1935 price list for Kodachrome from The Kodak Salesman.jpg
1935 price list for Kodachrome from The Kodak Salesman. At $3.50 including processing, an 18-exposure roll would cost over $80 today.

Announcement of Kodachrome from 1935 issue of The Kodak Salesman.jpg
Announcement of Kodachrome from a 1935 issue of The Kodak Salesman, an in-house publication,

Of course, nobody really knows what the true front-end cost of creating, servicing, and marketing a brave new Kodachrome system would be, so estimates on profitability and the break-even point can only be “good faith conjectures.” It is evident that Kodak would have to sell of hell of a lot of it at a rather steep price just to break even. As an inveterate dreamer and a lifetime Kodachrome fanatic I sure hope it happens. So if you are on good terms with any audacious billionaires who want to enshrine their names eternally in the hearts and minds of millions of photographers worldwide, do them (and all of us) a big favor and get in touch with them pronto.

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Yoikes, yes, but worth it. Dwayne's does great work, and, if you purchase prepaid Fuji processing mailers (B&H sells them), they will go to Dwayne's. The mailers are good for any E6 film, not just Fuji.
I should warn you: shoot a roll in your Rolleiflex, and you'll be hooked. Down that path lies madness, and soon it will be 4x5 color transparencies.

Rolleiflex, Rolleiflex! Nothing beats a Minolta Autocord or a Mamiya C330f!
(Though I am somewhat partial to my Rolleiflex T.)

I heartily agree that medium format slides on a light box are magnificent, especially with a quality 3x viewing loupe.

Questions regarding the Fuji processing mailers:

1. Are they only for Fuji film?

2. Do they include mounting?

3. Are they good for 120?


- Murray
"Is creating a New Kodachrome technically feasible? Absolutely, but it would require a well-heeled partner, a devoted billionaire, or both!"

Just for perspective: According to Yahoo Finance and as of January 2024, Mark Zuckerberg -- kingpin of Facebook and Instagram -- makes $84 billion per year. That's $230.6 million per day, or $9.6 million per hour. At those prices, a Kodachrome revival would cost only about an hour's worth of "devotion."
Well, Jeff Bridges is pretty much single-handedly bringing back the Widelux, to which he's devoted (and he has the money to do it). While Zuckerberg could finance a Kodachrome resurrection, we all know he wouldn't. Only The Dude could do something that cool, and cool is something Zuckerberg ain't.
Maybe the "other Jeff" -- Bezos? Or his former wife, who seems interested in disbursing her fortune. Resurrecting Kodachrome would go a long way toward doing that. :)
I have taken hundreds and maybe a few thousand slides with Fujichrome but not with Kodachrome. My standard everyday film was Fujichrome 50 or 100. My fast film was Fujichrome 400. Sometimes I used Agfachrome 50.
I was lucky to be given one roll of Kodachrome by a friend so long ago and shot it but I feel I should have shot more important things like family and people.

I would like for them to bring it back so I can shoot it again lol.

I get more sentimental these days with photos since now having a child.
Maybe I should shoot a few roll of slides for memories sake.
I was lucky to be given one roll of Kodachrome by a friend so long ago and shot it but I feel I should have shot more important things like family and people.

I would like for them to bring it back so I can shoot it again lol.

I get more sentimental these days with photos since now having a child.
Maybe I should shoot a few roll of slides for memories sake.
Slides are nice, but regardless of what you shoot, keep shooting! Kids grow up so quickly...
On one Fuji site I occasionally follow as the owner of an XE2 I greatly enjoy using, I've noticed that by far the most popular film simulations around are Kodachrome oand Ektachrome. Interesting, that.

All the more so as I cut my teeth in the 1960s with those two 'chromes, and faithfully went on using them until the late '80s when Kodak started playing new changes games with their slide films and like so many I know, I moved over to Fujichrome. For me Kodachrome 120 professional was the film that put me off Kodak's, I found it so exposure inconsistent and the processing (out of Australia) took so long that I followed the herd to other brands, namely Fuji. Yet like many others here, I went on using Kodachromes 64 and 25, if less so than before, until both were discontinued earlier in this century.

Now in what may well be my last decade as an active photographer, and as a very much into digital color as film is largely way beyond my affordable budget (again in Australia), I'm interested in replicating those 'goode olde dayse' Kodachrome colors. So I'm experimenting with those simulations. So far, not quite there, but it's a pleasant way to try to reclaim some of my past.

And as another poster has queried, I reckon an "elderly digital Leica" may well be an oxymoron. Given the problems Leitz have had with some of their later Ms, notably the M8 series, and their current fixation on Made In China prosumer/consumerables with (as I see it) outdated features and possibly fairly limited life spans, the oxymorons may well turn into anachronisms. In this I hope I'm wrong. For my pessimism the latest DLux is selling like warme kuchen, so I may well have written all this with my two feet in my mouth, not an unusual situation for me.

As well, in writing all the above I realize I may have exposed myself to the latest hornet's nest, but - oh well. Only my thoughts, or as they may say in Weztlar, meine meinung (or should that be meine zwei cent? Thanks for whatever, Google Translate.)
"Elderly digital Leica" ... Time will tell. I'm pretty happy with the M10-R and M10 Monochrom. As long as batteries last, they should be good. If they last as long as my Olympus E-1 has (2003 and still going, new batteries still available), I'll be happy. They're two years old now and if they hit that mark, and I do, I'll be just shy of 90.

Old enough, I imagine ... I wonder what the world will be like in another 20 years. I hope to find out ... ;)

"Elderly digital Leica" ... Time will tell. I'm pretty happy with the M10-R and M10 Monochrom. As long as batteries last, they should be good.

Soon after the M11 was introduced, M10 batteries were ‘back ordered’ and supplies haven’t yet been replenished. If I was a working pro it might have forced me to upgrade. My current working set of 5 M10 batteries are getting tired, but I assume as soon as the order comes to the front of the queue at Varta in Indonesia more will be available. I bought a couple that were sitting in stores but one held no more charge than my old used ones and one was dead out of the box.

Fingers crossed.
Just did a search for "Leica BP-SCL5 for sale" and got 3+ hits (bhphotovideo, precision camera, classic connection, etc, plus at least two local dealers) listing them as "in stock, available". They're $200 apiece (just like they always were) but they're available, at least in the USA.

I have three, probably should have another so I have two per M10 body.

I almost got excited. I searched for BP-SCL2 for the 240 and got several hits but one was in Hong Kong for only $130! Then I looked at the shipping cost :eek: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Yep, no savings there!

I should just get a spare, more glass and only worry about anything else if the time comes.
I agree. Don't worry too much about it all. Enjoy the cameras while they last. Then use film as long as it gets developed.
Life is too short to have us worry all the time.
Just did a search for "Leica BP-SCL5 for sale" and got 3+ hits (bhphotovideo, precision camera, classic connection, etc, plus at least two local dealers) listing them as "in stock, available". They're $200 apiece (just like they always were) but they're available, at least in the USA.

I have three, probably should have another so I have two per M10 body.

BHPhoto lists them as back ordered. I have a stock alert with them.

Neither Precision nor CC actually had any when I enquired. I got a firm confirmation from Leica that stocks were out until a new manufacturing run was due.
Just an idle thought... Can these batteries be opened and re-celled? Or perhaps a 3D printed case, with replaceable cells, could be made? If I owned one of these cameras, I'd be sweating bullets anticipating the ultimate unavailability of batteries.
Both of these options are possible with my 6000-series Rolleiflexes, and I have three brand new (rebuilt) rechargeable batteries for them. Having them rebuilt wasn't cheap, but the peace of mind is worth it. There is a gentleman on eBay who has a bit of a cottage industry building new 3D printed rechargeables for several old classic electronic cameras, so it can be done!