Jason Schneider Surgery Dec 30 2024

That is great news, and Jason on RFF is a great way to kick off 2025!

Thank you Stephen, and GO Jason!
Ah, that's good to hear, and a fine way to begin 2025. I'm sure Jason is happy to hear that good news too!
JS, we expect you back here pronto. Even if you have to lie on your tummy and type from your bed - we demand more of your threads here in 2025!!

Echoing everybody else's good wishes to you here, and adding some of my own. Get well quickly. It's the best revenge you can take on the medical profession...
Thanks to all RFF members for your kind and compassionate thoughts—humbling and much appreciated. I am doing well post-op and should be operational before too long. Warm and thankful regards to all, Jason
Wonderful news Sir! Back surgeries are tricky, but so much better than 40 years ago.

Speedy recovery and best of luck!
Hey Jason, I don't know if you remember but we had a mutual friend named Stan Bernstein.

We all met for lunch in Manhattan and he introduced me to you because I was a big fan of your columns. I brought a working Bell and Howell Foton to show you at the meeting (which I still have). I guess this was more than 40 years ago, when I was editing and publishing magazines.

Unfortunately, Stan passed away a few years ago but I'm glad to see you're well and still here. I learned most of my early camera knowledge from you. I see the "bamboozling" detectives never caught up with you.
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We should do a poll on how many RFF members were inspired to go down the path of Camera Collecting for Life due to you.
My Wife certainly knows who to blame...
As always, looking forward to the next article you do, as I have since 1970.