Jason Schneider Surgery Dec 30 2024

Hope everything goes well, Jason, back pain is no fun at all!

Thank you for letting us know, Stephen.
Good luck with the surgery, Jason. I grew up reading your Camera Collector articles in Modern Photography and Popular Photography, and am happy that you're writing here now.
I hope you recover quickly Jason. About 5 years back I also had spinal surgery in a process called (I think) something like a decompression and fusion. I hate to say this, but recovery was pretty painful for quite a while and seems to be so when anything so bony yet full of nerves everywhere is operated on - especially with the carpenter's tools that pass for surgical instruments in orthopedic and similar surgery. :( So, my advice is to stock up on some strong painkillers ;)- they seemed to do the trick. :unsure: The good news is that you will get over it and I have to say the surgeons who do this stuff are very clever and skilled. In fact my surgery was in the cervical spine and they came in through the front of the neck, not the back as one might expect. I told them they were all bloody show-offs! :LOL: I don't recall the head surgeon laughing at this joke, but then again surgeons are not known for their bedside manner. (Brusque and business like is more their style!)
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Wishing the best for you, Jason. My back is such a mess I can't have surgery so count yourself lucky yours can be fixed. It's gonna be a long road to recovery but hang in there and know we're here pulling for you.

Peter, I think that's called an anterior cervical fusion and discectomy. I had one of those and, yes, thank God for Lortab.
Wishing the best for you, Jason. My back is such a mess I can't have surgery so count yourself lucky yours can be fixed. It's gonna be a long road to recovery but hang in there and know we're here pulling for you.

Peter, I think that's called an anterior cervical fusion and discectomy. I had one of those and, yes, thank God for Lortab.
Yep on all points. :)
Under the knife? Short term pain, long term gain. Go for it. The cheering section is warmed up and ready. ;o)
Jason, after your work at the magazines, I was really pleased to find you here. I wish you a very successful surgery and the smoothest possible recovery. I look forward to your continued presence and uniquely informative posts on RFF.

- Murray
Sending best wishes and positive energy your way Jason. Hope all goes well and you have a speedy recovery.

JS, we expect you back here pronto. Even if you have to lie on your tummy and type from your bed - we demand more of your threads here in 2025!!

Echoing everybody else's good wishes to you here, and adding some of my own. Get well quickly. It's the best revenge you can take on the medical profession...