maybe Photokina, intro with 3 lenses, 50MP CMOS
lots less than the Hassy XD1
time, eh Photokina, will tell
lots less than the Hassy XD1
time, eh Photokina, will tell
Makes sense. Fuji has built some fantastic MF film cameras, including the GW690III that I have been using. So this would be a natural progression.
Better than the crop sensor cameras they have that have had many longing for more. Now this would be a lot more!
Better than the crop sensor cameras they have that have had many longing for more. Now this would be a lot more!
Did Fuji fall out with Hasselblad? What will that mean for the H series?
eat sleep shoot
considering the xpro2 is 2000 cad$, im guessing Fuji's MF will be 3-4K.
if it is, i might be cery tempted on getting one.
tbh brilliant move by fuji investing on aps-c and then skipping FF and providing MF instead.
if it is, i might be cery tempted on getting one.
tbh brilliant move by fuji investing on aps-c and then skipping FF and providing MF instead.
considering the xpro2 is 2000 cad$, im guessing Fuji's MF will be 3-4K.
It will be more - medium format systems are a much smaller niche, with high demands on service that have to be factored in, and Fuji are not really that much cheaper at production than Hasselblad (FWIW, for Hasselblad the XD1 indeed is a comeback as a camera manufacturer, after selling Fuji cameras for 15 years - and while Fuji sold the H series under their own brand domestically, the prices were not that far off the Hasselblad ones).
The best camera is one that still works!
I can't see Canon and Nikon letting this happen without offering an alternative of their own. They do seem very locked into the 35mm DSLR train of thought but you never know!
Please, wake me up when someone makes a 6x9cm mirrorless with 1Giga pixel resolution, so that I can use it instead of my scanner.
Street Worker
Please, wake me up when someone makes a 6x9cm mirrorless with 1Giga pixel resolution, so that I can use it instead of my scanner.
Wake me up so I can use it for street photography
I can't see Canon and Nikon letting this happen without offering an alternative of their own.
They did not offer any camera upward of photojournalism back in the film days, leaving the entire pro market to others - which appears to have stuck with them. Even though the lack of alternatives had them grow into the pro market in the past decade, they still do not even make a dedicated professional (non-PJ, non-handheld, studio biased) camera. So that obviously is no market that matters to them financially. I guess the entire pro market might be unprofitable relative to their consumer DSLR business - and while PJ cameras are reputation building among consumers and hence profitable even if they often are supposed to sell at a loss, they might well be right in not expecting similar effects from (almost invisible) studio cameras.
Seems like a rumor of a rumor of a camera that may possibly be announced later in the year... 
It will still be too expensive for me. Considering how many FF 35mm cameras still top the $3000 mark, I can't see this camera being less than $6000 or so. Additionally, these medium format sensors aren't that huge. I'd love to see a 6x6cm sensor in one of these bodies... but I guess we are still many years away from this.
eat sleep shoot
the 645z body is 7k usd$ so yes this fuji might be (imo) 5-6k, wishful thinking is 3-4 bit highly doubt it at this point
wow, whaaaat? A Fujifilm camera priced less than a Hasselblad???!!! 
Registered User
They did not offer any camera upward of photojournalism back in the film days, leaving the entire pro market to others - which appears to have stuck with them. Even though the lack of alternatives had them grow into the pro market in the past decade, they still do not even make a dedicated professional (non-PJ, non-handheld, studio biased) camera. So that obviously is no market that matters to them financially. I guess the entire pro market might be unprofitable relative to their consumer DSLR business - and while PJ cameras are reputation building among consumers and hence profitable even if they often are supposed to sell at a loss, they might well be right in not expecting similar effects from (almost invisible) studio cameras.
Nikon did make a wide range of LF glass a few years back.
I am FIRMLY in the believe it when I see it camp. Not that I wouldn't think it's great. Medium format needs a resurgence beyond the ultra-high end. Something Pentax doesn't get enough credit for IMO... No way this will cost less than $6k though. There was a rumor that the 50mp CMOS ALONE is $4k.
The sensor alone is $4k if I'm not mistaken. If anything comes of this rumor then my guess is it'll be around the 645Z price range. I think they lowest price they'd be able to go for just the body is $6k.
Ride, dive, shoot.
My prediction: $5,995 for the body, $1,695 - $2,495 range for standard primes.
Nikon did make a wide range of LF glass a few years back.
Not a camera, though, and actively marketing recently developed LF lenses only happened for a few years between 85 and 90 - before that they had been a OEM only, and after that they ceased to present anything new and fell back behind Schneider and Rodenstock again...
My prediction: $5,995 for the body, $1,695 - $2,495 range for standard primes.

for my wallet that is.
Registered User
Not a camera, though, and actively marketing recently developed LF lenses only happened for a few years between 85 and 90 - before that they had been a OEM only, and after that they ceased to present anything new and fell back behind Schneider and Rodenstock again...
Not a large enough market. I'm sure there are folks like me who are have a LF camera from over 50 years ago that does everything I need.
I'm wondering if there is a market for a reasonable resolution but full 4x5 frame digital back. If larger pixels are important what about a 24MP back? Perhaps a 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 back breathing life into this old baby graphics.
B2 (;->
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