Comments on the new Leica Q3?

Out to Lunch

Local time
3:24 AM
Mar 28, 2009
I just had a peek at the various vlogs, blogs, etc... It seems an interesting alternative to the M10 and M11. Is anyone thinking of buying one?
I thought about it. I like that one can now crop to 35 or 50 with plenty of pixels. I’d probably default to 35. I just don’t see a place for it between my M10 and GR III. And I really enjoy optical finders.

Here is no alternative to OVF and RF. Doesn't matter how it is called SL or Q.
Well, with SL it is possible to use RF lens for fast and reliable scale focus, while any Q's focus scale is gimmicks comparing to RF lens focus scale.

But if you don't need fast, intuitive shooting, framing, any Q is good sized camera. Basically it is great P&S, with two snapshot distances on the focus scale (better than GR series via menu, buttons). While any M is camera which requires more brain use, dare I say, to get some interesting results from it.
The be all there everything and nowhere camera all at once...To some believe it can replace all other focal lengths; that subject seperation/ compression and depth of field is the same as actual 50-35-70-90 focal length lens equivalents....much like a digital zoom lens. And we all know how better zooms are than primes 🙄

A crop is a crop is a crop and nothing more.

And don't get me started how its cheaper than getting a actual 28mm lux. It's not even a true F1.4 nor is it an actual 28mm. It more more wider like a 24mm. This is likely because the Q line most likely derived from the Leica X type 113 which was a 23mm F1.7. The Q just had been scaled to full frame from the X.

Anyway horses for courses. It works for some for others not. To me it I'll always seem to me as half and half camera, for people who would like an M but can't be bothered with manual focus. Better to just get into SL line that has better AF user experience imo
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The be all there everything and nowhere camera all at once...To some believe it can replace all other focal lengths; that subject seperation/ compression and depth of field is the same as actual 50-35-70-90 focal length lens equivalents....much like a digital zoom lens. And we all know how better zooms are than primes 🙄

A crop is a crop is a crop and nothing more.

And don't get me started how its cheaper than getting a actual 28mm lux. It's not even a true F1.4 nor is it an actual 28mm. It more more wider like a 24mm. This is likely because the Q line most likely derived from the Leica X type 113 which was a 23mm F1.7. The Q just had been scaled to full frame from the X.

Anyway horses for courses. It works for some for others not. To me it I'll always seem to me as half and half camera, for people who would like an M but can't be bothered with manual focus. Better to just get into SL line that has better AF user experience imo

I'm just happy with X2 and its non-rip-off priced batteries. 👌
I just had a peek at the various vlogs, blogs, etc... It seems an interesting alternative to the M10 and M11. Is anyone thinking of buying one?

Hmm, lots of snarkiness in the last few comments. I dunno: it's a camera, not a way of life, to me. ;)

I don't see it as an alternative to the M10-M11 since it is a fixed lens camera. If I want to do what a Q does with an M, I could fit a 28mm lens and estimate the framing, which I can do with the Ms by pushing the lever on the left side of the body. But the Q has autofocus, and probably more stuff in video capability. Neither of which is all that important to me.

The Q line seems lovely cameras that suit a particular market segment ... people looking for a simple to use and mostly automatic operating camera with a very high quality lens and nice controls. That's fine, if a bit pricey. I'm too delighted with the M10-R and M10-M kit to be enticed by a Q at this point. And the versatility of the Ms to do almost anything I want to do can't be matched by a fixed lens camera.

I own an M10M with many lenses, an SL2 with a few top performing zooms, but I mostly shoot with the Q2M. It is just so portable and the attached 24mm lens is my favourite focal length for street and snaps. I might get the Q3 or Q3M at some point in 3 or 5 years. I’ll have to sell some stuff first. With the Q2 being my go to camera I haven’t touched any of my M wide angles.
I'm considering a Q camera for ease of use on the street and for travel. Although the Q3 has more megapixels for digital cropping, I really don't need the longer focal lengths compared to the Q2, and I can live without the tilting screen and higher res viewfinder. I may go with a Q2.
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The AF on the Q2 is not very good. The AF performance is similar to what you would expect from a consumer Nikon from the 90’s. If you don’t shoot fast then it’s fine. For street it would be best to use zone focusing. Look through the EVF or the rear screen then press the shutter half way to see where that little square has locked on and shoot.
I´ve always liked the camera, but $6000 and 28mm are both no goes for me. A 50mm model used after it was out for many years (say for $3000) would be very tempting. That said, cameras are just not as interesting as they used to be for me. Luckily photography still is.
Faster AF would be nice, and I guess software updates could not address the slower AF on the Q2 compared to the Q3. Its phase detect AF - I think that's the term - on the Q3. I've read there is a longer "black out" period on the Q3.
I mainly photograph people on the street and having a fast 28mm lens in a P&S opens up possibilities. I also own the 28mm Summilux and it’s hard to manually focus a moving subject 5 feet away. The traditional way is to stop down, zone and flash ala Bruce Gilden but I don’t shoot that way. While AF modes on the Q2 don’t work that well the spot focusing is fine. The camera has no joystick to make it convenient. Anyway a close shot wide open with expansive background has a look I can’t get with a longer lens. I can zone competently with a 21mm at 1.4 but not a 28mm.
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I've read the specs. Most impressive. Now if I only had the money.

A few years ago I missed an opportunity to acquire as as new Q2 for AUD $3600, which at the dismally low value of our dollar (then 62 US cents) would have been a steal. If only. to this day I still kick myself (mentally) when I think about this.

For now I will have to make do with my iig (LTM) and three ancient Elmars. And budget for the cost of buying film. Oh, well.
One owner I know mentions the deal-breaker for me: very slow start up. There are quite a few Q2s in my circle with the users happy. Autofocus must be wonderful. The only camera I have with that is good at that is the Hexar AF. It is scary how that camera seems to know what I want in focus, regardless of the framing. My X100 is good, but not so clever as the Hexar.
I think it is a lovely camera and lens setup, but it is not for me. I am an M man.
The M10 has been my main shooter, but several features of the fixed lens, autofocus Q2/Q3 really appeal to me, especially for travel. I may sell some older, heavier gear that I just don't use now in order to help fund one. My local camera store has them and takes used stuff for trade. But once I handle one and try it out, there is a very good chance I'll buy.
I own an M10M with many lenses, an SL2 with a few top performing zooms, but I mostly shoot with the Q2M. It is just so portable and the attached 24mm lens is my favourite focal length for street and snaps. I might get the Q3 or Q3M at some point in 3 or 5 years. I’ll have to sell some stuff first. With the Q2 being my go to camera I haven’t touched any of my M wide angles.
I use a 246 with many lenses an SL2s and as a compact an CL with 18,23,35,60 and 55-136 lenses.
Thinking of selling the CL kit and going for a Q as the compact AF unit.
I`ve had the stuff packed up more than once only to unpack it.
I guess at my age I just want simplicity.