It is a 2017 Netflix movie called "Kodachrome" staring Ed Harris who uses a Leica M4-P 35mm rangefinder.

F338CE01-6208-46FC-8A10-22CBD4C5015D by Michael DeLuca, on Flickr
No, that’s Rex Harrison and he doesn’t have a camera.
That's actually not Rex Harrison. Rex Harrison played Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady, the gentleman in the photo with Audrey Hepburn is Wilfrid Hyde-White, who played Colonel Pickering. Lovely shot though, of a very lovely lady.
Thanks, Tim. Next time I’ll read the captions before I post.
Theres a Nikon SLR in the new Aquaman movie, not mega familiar with them so somone else will have to identify the model.
Just saw that scene, it's a Nikon EM, an entry level model, with what looks like Nikkor Series E 1.8/50 lens
Leica and it looks like an M 6 in Generation Kill.
Was watching the Netflix show Highseas the other day and noticed this ultra rare Hasselblad TLR ! 
2020-02-01_02-02-21 by m h, on Flickr

[insert pithy phrase here]
Ah. That famous partnership between hasselblad and yashica. I think they only produced one camera....ultra rare!
Out to Lunch
Frankie's House (1992). A four-part British-Australian TV miniseries based on the biography of British photographer Tim Page, especially focusing on his relationship with Sean Flynn -the son of Errol Flynn- during the Vietnam War [Source: Wikipedia].
The same characters feature prominently in Michael Herr's, 'Dispatches' (1977), which introduced readers to the experiences of soldiers in the Vietnam War. Eventually, Herr worked on the narration for the movie 'Apocalypse Now' and co-wrote the screenplay for the movie 'Full Metal Jacket' and several scenes and dialogue mentioned in the book were used in those movies [Source: Wikipedia].
Cheers, OtL
The same characters feature prominently in Michael Herr's, 'Dispatches' (1977), which introduced readers to the experiences of soldiers in the Vietnam War. Eventually, Herr worked on the narration for the movie 'Apocalypse Now' and co-wrote the screenplay for the movie 'Full Metal Jacket' and several scenes and dialogue mentioned in the book were used in those movies [Source: Wikipedia].
Cheers, OtL
Unabashed Amateur
Not a camera in a movie, but I noticed this book cover:
I haven't read the book so I don't know how well (or poorly) this represents anything in the novel.

I haven't read the book so I don't know how well (or poorly) this represents anything in the novel.
FSU gear head
Zorki S, isn‘t it?
[/url]F338CE01-6208-46FC-8A10-22CBD4C5015D by Michael DeLuca, on Flickr[/IMG]![]()
No, that’s Rex Harrison and he doesn’t have a camera. that's not Rex Harrison. It's his co-star Wilfred Hyde White.
This is Rex Harrison
Unabashed Amateur
Zorki S, isn‘t it?
I think so. But I've not owned one, yet, so I'm not 100% certain.
FSU gear head
Police Academy IV - Olympus OM10.
I believe that an Argus C3 was used in the original movie, "The Philadelphia Story".
At the very end a fellow walks to the front of the wedding line and takes a photo with a Tenax II
... well sort of.. he pushes the winder
South Florida Man
Pecker, Pecker, PeckerCanonet in Pecker, a pretty good movie:
Unabashed Amateur
Larry H-L
The new Netflix series "Tales from the Loop" a sort of quantum level sci-fi set in rural Ohio (but actually shot in Canada) features a Leica M2 and what looks like a v1 35mm Summicron. The camera is seen throughout the last episode, first on the kid's grandmother in the opening scenes, and then later the young kid uses it.
Unabashed Amateur
Stereoscopic Single Lens Reflex cameras?
Stereoscopic Single Lens Reflex cameras?
I clipped a screen shot from this truly horrendus movie of the "future press" clamoring for info and photos of one of the main characters.
The Apple was made in 1980 and depicts the future of 1994 and tells a very silly rock n roll, scif-fi, musical version of an extraordinarily heavy handed Good vs Evil story. It might be amusing if I were still a stoner but otherwise, not so much. It did make me laugh, briefly, before I decided that I was not that bored. Yet.
Stereoscopic Single Lens Reflex cameras?
I clipped a screen shot from this truly horrendus movie of the "future press" clamoring for info and photos of one of the main characters.
The Apple was made in 1980 and depicts the future of 1994 and tells a very silly rock n roll, scif-fi, musical version of an extraordinarily heavy handed Good vs Evil story. It might be amusing if I were still a stoner but otherwise, not so much. It did make me laugh, briefly, before I decided that I was not that bored. Yet.
film nut
Drives me nuts when you see a commercial with someone taking pictures with a film sir and they're holding it away from their face like they're looking at the screen on the back of a digital sir. Maybe don't bother some people, but sometimes I get anal about technical things I see that are not right.
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