Cameras in movies...


Local time
8:33 PM
Oct 11, 2008
Just two movies I've seen last night:

Guilty by suspiction - Robert De Niro gives a Leica (?) to his son, but I can't tell what is it,

Twister - Nikon (F3?) on front dashboard in a few shots during movie.

Hope to get more entries from you guys.

Merry Christmas!
I watched Le Mans last night. Clearly a Leica used to photograph Steve McQueen between the paddock and his trailer. cThe movie was made in 1971. So, the camera was one of the following: M2, M3 or M4. I doubt that the M5 had hit the streets by then.
Spygame. Brad Pitt's character impersonating a Leica toting PJ.

I think it's called Spygame... Has Robert Redford, as well.
In the intro to Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Will Smith hangs out of the cab window with a old style viewfinder camera. I think it's one of the older kodak models. Does anyone know what it is? It's always bugged me.
There's a slew of motorized Nikon F2s (a few of them armed with Honeywell Strobonars) in Frost/Nixon (great movie, BTW). In fact, the attention to detail overall is pretty much spot-on. (Boy, those VHS cassettes are looking more anachronistic all the time...).

Even though I haven't seen it yet, cameras seem to figure largely in Milk as well (among other things, Harvey Milk ran a camera shop).

- Barrett
As in the other thread, Skycaptain and the World of Tomorrow, the C3 is a running joke.

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- "Days of glory" ("Indigenes" in French) a movie about Arabians serving in the French army at Monte Cassino a Zorki C posing as a Leica
- "HollywoodLand"" with Adrien Brody and Ben Affleck. Brody as a private eye uses an Argus with a tele lens for his job.
- Five graves to Cairo. Erich von Stroheim as Rommel of course used a Leica just as Rommel did and he insited that a film was in it.
Leica M4 in "The Midnight Meat Train"

Leica M4 in "The Midnight Meat Train"

A lot of scenes with M4-P
I see this guy has both eyes opened. Is M4-P viewfinder magnification close to 1.00? If not, it's just acting in the movie, I guess.

BTW, It's a good movie.




