Bill Pierce interview

Out to Lunch

Local time
8:07 PM
Mar 28, 2009
I posted this link a few days ago and saw it received little to no feedback. This is perhaps since the title of the thread was ''Noses''. In fact, this was the title of Bill Pierce's latest post some 12 months ago. Anyone with an interest in the life of a successful working news photographer may want to have a look at this YouTube clip:

I watched it in its entirety. Well worth the time if one is interested in photography beyond f-stops, shutter speeds, full-frame vs. micro four thirds, film vs digital, blah, blah, blah.
Yeah, I saw that lack of replies too. I watched it and it is great, but I wanted to refrain from commenting to see if anyone else would. Thanks for posting it here in a new thread.
Some of Bill's "Nuts & Bolts" Articles:

Bill Pierce
Nuts & Bolts: Some Heavy Thoughts - February 2010
Nuts & Bolts: It's Not Still or Movie; It's Camera - December 2009
Nuts & Bolts - November 2009
Nuts & Bolts: Covering Combat - October 2009
Nuts & Bolts: Do As the Dodos Do Do Do ... - September 2009
Nuts & Bolts - August 2009
Nuts & Bolts - July 2009
Nuts and Bolts: Bad Made Better and Better Made Worse - June 2009
Nuts & Bolts: The Little Camera - May 2009
Nuts & Bolts - March 2009
Much to Do With Digital and Little to Do With Journalist? - December 2008
Nuts & Bolts: Less is More - December 2008
Nuts & Bolts: Hooray for the Snapshot - November 2008
Nuts & Bolts - October 2008
Nuts & Bolts: Carry the Cameras, Ship the Suit - August 2008
Nuts & Bolts - June 2008
Nuts & Bolts - June 2008
Nuts and Bolts - 25 Ways to Use Photoshop To Make Digital Valentines - May 2008
Nuts and Bolts - April 2008
Nuts and Bolts - March 2008
Nuts and Bolts - February 2008
Nuts and Bolts - December 2007
Nuts and Bolts - November 2007
Nuts and Bolts - October 2007
Nuts and Bolts - September 2007
Nuts and Bolts - August 2007
Nuts and Bolts - July 2007
Nuts and Bolts - June 2007
Nuts & Bolts: The ABCs of Bags - May 2007
Nuts & Bolts JPEGS vs. Raw - April 2007
Nuts & Bolts - March 2007
Nuts & Bolts:
Taking Pictures
Making Pictures - February 2007
Nuts and Bolts - January 2007
Nuts & Bolts - November 2006
Archival Prints:
'Inkjet' No Longer a Dirty Word - October 2006
Nuts & Bolts - September 2006
Nuts and Bolts - July 2006
NUTS & BOLTS - June 2006
Nuts & Bolts - May 2006
I also watched the interview. It was more of a conversation between friends. The man is impressive and totally lacking in BS.

I used to read his columns on Digital Journalist when it was active. It truly concerned nuts-and-bolts photojournalism.