
My Short and Long Plaubel Peco Juniors. On the left, the 150mm F9 Rodenstock Apo-Ronar, a GEM of a lens, a favorite. On the right, another favorite, a 58mm F5.6 Rodenstock Grandagon in Graflex XL Mount, I refitted it to a Peco Junior Board. Both of these are original lenses, pretty much as they were in the catalogs of the day. Ready to take out when it's warm around here. Both lenses have medium filters, and proper hoods as well, ready to shoot! Camera on left takes Graflex Wind Knobs Backs (kinda modern). Camera on right has a swiveling viewfinder which I love, takes 6x6cm and 6.5x9cm Plaubel Makina Backs, as well as Plaubel Glass Plate Holders and Planfilms of all kinds.
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This is coming to me from the Ukraine. The Plaubel 100mm Supracomar F3.9 in Compur shutter. Plan to use it on my Plaubel Peco Juniors. Is anybody here familiar with this lens, I have several Anticomars and like them. Is this off of an olde Plaubel Folding camera??
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The 100mm F3.9 Plaubel Supracomar arrived from the Ukraine. The lens glass is clean and unmarked, the shutter is good and right on. It's got a patina but I like that

Looks very sharp, a bit flary (like my Orthometars too, I kind of like that). Lovely Bokeh shot at F4.5 to increase DOF a bit and lens shpuld be better one stop down. Very pleasant rendition. Plaubel Peco Junior Mini-Me View Camera, with Sony Nex-C3 Digital Back homemade by me. 1/160 sec not bad with a 100mm lens. I bought this recently from the Ukraine, I'll be shooting with it this season I'm sure. Should be good with Ortho and Pan B&W too. Camera was handheld.

The lens is a 100mm Plaubel F3.9 Supracomar, it normally would be attached to a 9x12cm Avus folder. On the Peco Junior the circle is plenty big enough for full camera movements. The Adjustable Magnifer on the back, allows me to see right side brightly, or with a shift, left side brightly. Leitz Ball head attached to an early Leitz Tiltall, notice I JB Welded a Bubble level to help level the legs. I could hike for miles with this thing if I wanted to, folded up it's easy to carry around with one hand! A small padded bag for holders and backs, and I am set. I also have a custom made E Sony Digital APSC Back for this camera, which also works quite well in the field.