Minnesota Any RFFers in the Twin Cities?


Local time
5:20 PM
Jan 25, 2011
I'm not sure where to post this--so I put it in the "Chicago Area". If that is wrong, or if someone has already established a group for the Twin Cities, then please let me know where to find that!

I'd love to meet other RFFers who are a bit farther West than Chicago, but are not as far as Portland/Seattle. Anyone in the MN-WI-IA-ND-SD area that wants to get together for some shooting/processing/printing/chatting, or just general hijinks, loosely based on a common interest in photography?

I'd love to meet y'all, if you're out there!

I'm here

I'm here

They're probably working or some such foolishness. Just moved here, I'm over in Linden Hills. Is there someplace in Minneapolis that sells film and developer, etc? There must be some film photographers among all the hipsters in the Twin Cities.
Yeah there are film places around town. I am temporarily in Fargo (for the year) but will be back in the Cities at the end of the year. I'm always up to go shooting with others, and it would be cool to get an RFF community in the TC.
I'm a rural western Minnesota member (several hours west of the Twin Cities), so you're not the only Midwesterner. And I know there are at least a couple Minneapolitans who lurk around here. Who knows, maybe someone like Alec Soth pokes his head in now and again.
Steamer, you might check out National Camera Exchange and West Photo. Last time I was in the NCE Golden Valley shop I picked up some developing stuff, but I haven't been there in about a year.
I am in St. Paul.
I shoot digital with a 5dMkII and film with Leica or a Nikon Fm2.
Buy film from ebay, although you can get stung (ask me how I know) and I get developer from National or West Photo.
I don't seem to get out much these days since I am the parasitic host for several others and must be responsible and on call to solve other's problems 24/7.
I can't believe how long a roll of film sits in the camera. I might have to refrigerate the whole kit with the film inside.
I'm also in Linden Hills. @steamer, Dunn Brothers for coffee someday? @boombuy57 and others, join us!

In Minneapolis it's definitely West Photo and National Camera for gear and supplies. West is more pro-oriented and National (with several branches including in shopping malls) is more consumer-oriented. On the other hand, National does carry pro gear and also lots more used gear of all types. The area's mother lode of RF gear is at National's mother ship in Golden Valley, in the upstairs "Shutterbug Dept." (Open limited hours.)

I'm a big fan of NatCam, and West Photo as well!

Steamer, you might check out National Camera Exchange and West Photo. Last time I was in the NCE Golden Valley shop I picked up some developing stuff, but I haven't been there in about a year.
We should all definitely look at organizing soe Twin Cities-centered action at some point. Anyone know how to get the moderators of the site to create a thread for us northern Midwesterners?

Thanks all for the Info. dbarnes, I'm good for Dunn bros most any time. Anyone else up for coffee? The photo is Lake Harriet around sunset last night; Minneapolis is not a half-bad place to live, is it? ;-)
I think Gabriel M.A. lives up there in MN. At least that's what a Wisconsinite from Madison told me at one time... He drove all the way from the Twin Cities to Madison to meet with the Madisonian RFFers.

Best of luck! :)
Steamer, how about a first meetup next Saturday morning, Sat April 28, at the Linden Hills Dunn Bros?

Bill & Boomguy57 & Co, join us!

(Cross-posting this on the new Mpls/Midwest forum....)
Another Minneapolitan.

Another Minneapolitan.

I just saw this. Sorry it was too late for the April 28th meeting. I'm definitely interested in a Minnesota / Minneapolis group. I shoot Leica M7 for film, Nikon and Olympus for digital. It seems the Nikon kit spends most of the time at home and the M7 gets most of the action.

National Camera in Golden Valley is my store of choice, mostly because of location and Amazing Roger who is the resident guru for all things Leica.

I will keep an eye on the forums for the next meeting.

Thanks for taking the initiative to put this together.
I guess I only now found this thread. I'm glad that there are a few of us. I'll be attending UMN this fall, so I'll be around the cities (but not 'til September!).