Anne Hathaway & Rosie Perez with cameras in Netflix thriller


Local time
2:16 PM
Aug 9, 2010
Anne pictured with Leica M4 and Rosie with Nikon F Photomic TN - screenshots from "The Last Thing He Wanted" trailer
-- am I correct that Anne has 4/90 Elmar collapsed into the body while shooting? :)

They are using matching camera straps! Awwwww!

(I'm just waiting for someone to complain that Anne is not shooting w both eyes open).
Who cares about any of this? Why hang around a forum if you don't care about the topics? Why judge others on their interests? Why select the topic and actually post to it if one doesn't care?
Phil Forrest
Anne pictured with Leica M4 and Rosie with Nikon F Photomic TN - screenshots from "The Last Thing He Wanted" trailer
-- am I correct that Anne has 4/90 Elmar collapsed into the body while shooting? :)

Anne doesn't want to drop too much cash for the new Thambar so shooting with her 90 Elmar collapsed will produce a similar effect.....
Mlle Hathaway never struck me as the brightest bulb, so it is a miracle.

Yeah, she went to Vassar then NYU before dropping out to win an Academy Award and become one of the highest paid actresses in the world.
When she's not doing that she is a UN Goodwill Ambassador.