247MP!! Sony's New Sensor


Ignoble Miscreant
Local time
7:48 AM
Jan 23, 2021
I just ran across this on YouTube. That 100MP X2D does not seem big anymore. Suspicion is that the 100MP HB sensor is a Sony. Would they make a new release X3D with the 247MP? Phase One? Do we need a sensor this size? Sony seems to think they can sell it.

There are probably many uses for forensic data investigation. I can't think of any reason to need such a high resolution imager for my photography; 40 to 50 Mpixel does well enough for that, by a few multiples of enough. ;)

Even though I'm generally happy with even 12Mpxl images, I wouldn't mind that resolution. As long as camera has a good pixel binning / low resolution modes with out cropping. There has been times when I've wanted high resolution files AND cropping at the same time for a project (mainly for large format digital negatives). But I figure it's quite rare to "need" all those pixels (and I personally would love even 100Mp files which would be plenty) and even those who might want it (like me at times) don't most of the time value it enough to pay for it.

But I think I personally will suffice with smaller resolutions (like my leica monochrom) and at rare times panasonic s5 high resolution modes 96Mp images has been enough and usable enough to not go mf digital, even if I at times daydream about it 😅
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I totally misread the title of this thread to be 24.7Mpxl and thought 'That's not new?'.
Then I looked closer and saw it actually says 247!

Some would say I'm a Sony fanatic based on my ownership, but I'm not CRAZY!
That kind of resolution reminds me of Brian Regan’s’ “Eye Exam” skit trying on trifocals…:

“…there’s a book, there’s a plane, there’s Alpha Centauri!”

A 100mp photo at 300dpi is 38.5 x 28.8 inches. In order to double that, you need to quadruple MPs. Once we start to get to those numbers, you are in the realm of 8x10" film enlargements. People here would never say we do not need large format film.
A 100mp photo at 300dpi is 38.5 x 28.8 inches. In order to double that, you need to quadruple MPs. Once we start to get to those numbers, you are in the realm of 8x10" film enlargements. People here would never say we do not need large format film.

This has been my reaction. There was a time when large format film cameras reigned supreme. No one pooh-poohed them. Rather the opposite. The old F/64 school and Ansel Adams. I would not dismiss this sensor as of no commercial photographic value. Sony makes money by selling things. Yes, perhaps surveillance is a market but you know that many would want to be the first on their block with this sensor. And as for large sensor worth, I was quite pleased with my M9 and M240 images until I got the X2D, There is a difference with large sensors. It can be seen in the captures and even with the lenses I used on the Leicas. Yes, they look better.

Will the difference between 100 and 247 be obvious? I have a nice coffee table book of Ethopia shot with a 150MP Phase One. It is good but I am not convinced it is all that better than an X2D. The photographer, Joel L., thinks so. He is gifted, the images are wonderful. Did the Phase One make a difference? It did to him and perhaps that unleashed greater creative skills. I think we will hear more about this sensor.

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A 100mp photo at 300dpi is 38.5 x 28.8 inches. In order to double that, you need to quadruple MPs. Once we start to get to those numbers, you are in the realm of 8x10" film enlargements. People here would never say we do not need large format film.
I would say that the 8x10 inch film experience is, nowadays, something only "needed" for the niche enthusiasts that like the process. It's rarely a matter of needing that size original for enlargement anymore, which was the case back when 8x10 inch was a frequently used format. Nowadays, most users of 8x10 format cameras just contact print the negatives and enjoy the rich tonalities. Unfortunately, ultra high resolution small-format imagers tend to have less dynamic range rather than more, unless they're used for pixel binning and other such techniques to improve dynamic range.

It's all good, really, but I doubt I'm buying anything like this (or 8x10 film cameras) at any time in the foreseeable future. Unless I buy an 8x10 camera so I can shoot 8x10 Polaroid ... :)

I never seen any camera with which mostly posting at forum gearheads would admin they don't need more than 12MP. Just as same as eye focus thing. All of the sudden pictures they took before eye AF are garbage.

But, giving it is Sony jumping into MF, it is good news. Big sensor, huge MPs.
Yet, if camera is made by functioning brain developers it should have mRAW and sRAW in camera.

All Canon not consumer oriented cameras does it. Sony, I have no idea.
It’s bigger than the GFX100… and X2D sensor, but smaller (I think) than the big MF sensors, so using it for photography might be something of a challenge from a suitable lens availability perspective. But we’ll see.