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Photo 5000468

Photo - 5000468


Member since: 2014-01-25
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Uploaded: 2024-09-25


Q2, 1/30, f/6.3, iso 125

Tom Ford (neighbor cat hangs out in my yard)
sold Q2M because it does same thing w/ same 28 Lux in good light and wanted color option

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Unknown focal length
Unknown exposure

Comments (3)

🕐 10-21-24 01:10Wenge wrote:
Tom Ford the cat was rescued this week, his former caretaker left, unknown what happened to her, but she cared for him last 6 years (nearby neighbor never met), then vanished. And Tom Ford came to my yard after, and he adopted me. But moving soon to another state, this cat would never survive a drive or unknown being an outdoor-only cat, and has already been adopted by a local cat rescue with open check if any issues.