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Photo 305471

Lake Union, Seattle, Washington.


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Member since: 2010-05-31
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Uploaded: 2021-09-23


When I saw this colorful ship on Lake Union in Seattle, I wanted to shoot it. I wanted to catch the ripples of its reflection in water, and with a slow film to that Well, I couldn't just stop the lens down; that would give me a shutter speed to slow to catch the ripples. In the end I put my Nikon 35 mm body on the back of 4x% view camera with a special adapter. That allowed me to use the tilt of front standard to get everything sharp on the same plane of focus, with relatively large aperture, ergo high shutter speed. These are some of the results of my labor....

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Comments (1)

🕐 10-05-21 20:34Chrisrw wrote:
These are great. I was down there several months ago with a friend shooting in the Marina. Lots of great images down there.