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Photo 291154

Pentacon test shot


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Member since: 2010-08-24
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Uploaded: 2019-08-14


P6; Biometar 80 2.8; HP5+ (exp 2014); Rodinal 1:50<br />
A few months ago I was given a P6 in such poor condition as to not warrant paying for repair. Dry firing the shutter a couple of hundred times appears to have solved (at least temporarily) the common 1/125th second shutter issue. I finally got round to running a test roll through it. I'm on a learning curve when it comes to focusing it in dim light and managing camera shake on such an unwieldy camera, and the negs are clearly dusty after dropping onto a carpeted floor while drying. This is my first shot from the P6.

Photo capture details

Unknow camera
Unknown focal length
Unknown exposure

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