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Photo 206188

Walking the horse, Las Palmas


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Date posted2013-04-29
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🕐 05-03-13 10:08JohnTF wrote:
Thanks, I do realize the posts also pass by the "window" pretty quickly, which is why I like the Gallery Review -- I have been out of the country with limited wifi and have missed a lot--

In addition, images with subtle detail may not show much as a thumb-- but I waited for this photo when I made it last Sunday, saw the guy coming in a mirror, admired the wall without him, liked the shadows, and he was only a few feet from me with one of my favorite lenses-- it is actually a SM Cosina 12mm with the adapter on the Fuji--

The Fuji camera finder at its fullest setting is very close to the frame of this lens.

Appreciate the time you took to peek.

Regards, John
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