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Photo 1867

Fuchuu Station Roundel


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Date Member since: 2004-08-19
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This is an example of an unsuccessful panorama... I thought it might be interesting to take a 360-degree panorama from the middle of the roundel, but it just looks odd. Hmmm. Well, you live and learn. I think I'll take this down after there's been time for comments.
Views1609 views
Date posted2004-09-04

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🕐 09-28-19 06:46Rob-F wrote:
I think the shot is so perfectly framed, split precisely between corridors, it isn't obvious that the right end picks up where the left end leaves off. I think you would have to frame it so the viewer can see that one of the corridors has been split, some of it being at the left, and some at the right.

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