Comments Posted by jon_flanders

28203View photo
Aaron Melting Lead - Yashica GS
Photo by
🕐 09-09-06 19:05jon_flanders wrote:
I"ll have to try pushing Tri-x if it can look this good. Nice.
42089View photo
Skip Gorman on the Mandolin
Photo by jon_flanders
🕐 08-25-06 03:05jon_flanders wrote:
"Wow, Skip is a great musician, an honor!"

As is Pete Sutherland. You should have heard them jamming after the concert at our camp. Actually the fiddle is Skip Gorman's main instrument.
39622View photo
Lakeside Summer Day
Photo by jon_flanders
🕐 07-30-06 16:30jon_flanders wrote:
Have you forsaken your Yashica for the Iskra? joke / humour

Alas, at the moment yes, I do have a roll of film in it though, and it sits waiting hopefully on the shelf, like a faithful pet, waiting for some exercise.

I can't seem to avoid using either the Iskra or a Minolta when I go for a rangefinder these days.

And I know it is heretical here, but I am getting some good results with my Maxxum 700si SLR.

Hey, but its all film, remember that!
37602View photo
Moving Safely
Photo by jon_flanders
🕐 06-23-06 17:32jon_flanders wrote:
fun shot! Have you put your Yashica to rest?

Its resting. When I reach for a rangefinder, I find the MH E hard to resist.

Its small and light, so I can bike with it around my neck. I think it beats the Canonet GIII QL 17 by quite a large margin.

And then there is the fact that I have been playing with Minolta Maxxums...........

I'll get back to the Yashica's at some point, has to be the right time and subject.
35214View photo
Twilight of the Shop Steward
Photo by jon_flanders
🕐 05-26-06 03:16jon_flanders wrote:
Jon, wonderful shot, flare and all. I think the flare actually contributes here. BTW, I hope you haven't given up entirely on your beloved Yashica RF.

Too many cameras, too little time!
32898View photo
Old Albany
Photo by jon_flanders
🕐 04-19-06 21:11jon_flanders wrote:
Yeah, the Hi_Matic series does deserve some attention. I've become a Minolta junky, in truth. The big problem with them is the electronics. Bad soldering in many cases.

I did break out my Electro this week to see what it would do with this Agfa 100 film I got at the dollar store.
28858View photo
We Now Have Beer
Photo by jon_flanders
🕐 02-27-06 18:44jon_flanders wrote:
Once upon a time, before the shopping malls opened up, this store might have had some pretty classy merchandise,.

Now it has beer and sundries. The Trojan horse in this story was the automobile.
28700View photo
The Drive Thru
Photo by jon_flanders
🕐 02-25-06 17:02jon_flanders wrote:
<BW works best here doesn't it.>

I think so. Troy in the wintertime isn't that colorific and this one is about a shape, among other things.I
25313View photo
Troy Alley off River Street
Photo by jon_flanders
🕐 01-22-06 20:07jon_flanders wrote:
Troy is a city of alleys like this. You can traverse good portions of the city in them if you want.

I really lucked out with this Iskra. A real gem of a camera.
24933View photo
The A Team
Photo by jon_flanders
🕐 01-16-06 16:21jon_flanders wrote:
No, although I am using the Yashica now for what will be a series on people in the shop who are close to retirement. This one was with a Minolta SRT-MCII.

I am shooting black and white for this series. And doing some neg developing at home too.