Comments Posted by Lss

230071View photo
Rue De La Pompe
Photo by Lss
🕐 07-13-14 10:16Lss wrote:
Thank you both for the comments.
224109View photo
Beer and margarita
Photo by Lss
🕐 03-05-14 08:58Lss wrote:
Thanks, now go and have a cold one.
195489View photo
Photo by Lss
🕐 01-11-14 08:07Lss wrote:
Thank you for the information. You must have the place right, I think I spent the day walking streets around Gare du Nord.
200364View photo
Roda phone
Photo by Lss
🕐 02-25-13 02:15Lss wrote:
Thanks! The light was very harsh, which led me to combine some elements in the view instead of concentrating just on the pay phone that dominated the foreground.
195390View photo
Paris / Voigtländer Bessa R2A / Canon 35/1.8 / Ilford XP2
Photo by Lss
🕐 01-01-13 11:26Lss wrote:
Film: Ilford XP2.

The performance of this young man with a big red nose was cut short by a small Toyota whose driver claimed the entertainment venue as parking space, almost crushing the young man's belongings while reversing towards his back and a booing crowd. A conversation over the control of the street corner then ensued, which is when I stepped forward to make this exposure.
103196View photo
Photo by
🕐 12-31-12 09:05Lss wrote:
Nice and simple.
195028View photo
Martin Place
Photo by
🕐 12-24-12 02:47Lss wrote:
Definitely a good crop.
192709View photo
Photo by Lss
🕐 11-10-12 19:10Lss wrote:
Thank you for the comments.
192516View photo
Photo by
🕐 11-10-12 03:34Lss wrote:
I love the scale of the birds against the background. One sees a place like this and hopes for dramatic skies. You found something even better and executed well.
191818View photo
Sorbus aucuparia
Photo by Lss
🕐 10-28-12 00:08Lss wrote:
Thanks. It's the first snow of the season. These trees will carry the berries long into the winter, feeding birds such as the waxwings (bombycilla).