What camera are you carrying RIGHT NOW?

This one:

Ensign Selfix 1620
Saturday I had my Super Graphic, Leica M2, and Kodak Medalist at the renn faire. It was a rangefinder party!

Today, Pentax Optio A40, Pentax Optio W90, Holga Pinhole, Yashica 635, Yashica Electro 35, and Olympus E-PL1.
I.m filling todays bag with a pair of classics. An Afga Karat and an older I think, Afga Karat 36. These two folders are a treat to use. One with Black&White and the with color film. Both have the capable Solinar 1:2,8/50 fixed lens. Happy shooting all.
Well, I'm not carrying anything right now, but the camera I used today was this one:


It was my first use of a new arrival. The first roll I've put through it is drying, and the negatives look OK.
